I believe in the power of meditation and silent, internal experience over words and descriptions of things.
This is why i do meditation sessions for free.
Let me explain:
Language itself is a restriction. It has qualities and serves us in providing the meaning of things, and gives us meaning in our life but it actually never comes close to truth.
Real truth is in the realm of experience. Experience is the only thing that accounts for the holistic nature of reality; many things happening at once, with no endpoint or boundaries. In experience, everything is interconnected.
Language and words are linear. They are sequential. One after the other, in order. They also follow the rules of time. It’s an interesting link to space and time itself.
Experience, Reality, Nature is not sequential, not linear. It doesn’t have a start or end point. If you analyse any single event in time you will never be able to identify the true beginning of the event, nor when it finished. You can dig deeper and deeper into causality. Everything has a cause before it, without end.
Meditation and other Mindbody practices focus on experience, and the truth of that experience which, when described, is a mere facsimile – a 2 dimensional copy of the real thing. The ‘description’ has stripped the living contents from the experience itself, has put a boundary on it, or put it into a non-existent box. Real life, truth, reality does not fit into a box.
The boxes of course serve a purpose. They help with understanding. But they only point to truth, they aren’t it. For these reasons it could be said that ALL language is metaphorical, including the scientific stuff.
It’s my opinion that this is what strikes a chord with the many people that become acquainted with even a simple meditation practice, and no one who benefits need read or know anything like the ideas I have conveyed above.
So much of our life experience is entwined with how we verbalise, categorise and describe everything, even our most intimate experiences. To give a simple analogy, we can give the most beautiful description of a sunrise in words on paper but we can never get from that description what it actually feels like to witness it. And not just to witness it, but to witness it without attaching words or thoughts to it. Great art strives to do this very thing – although impossible – to give the fullest, most authentic representation of an experience as is possible.
If you are unfamiliar with meditation; forget everything you think you know about it. Again, it’s mere words, thoughts, ideas. The simplicity of it is that it re-acquaints you with your capacity to experience, to re-connect with the never ending, unboundaried flow of reality.