
The written word….

Can we really categorise Nature?

Can we really categorise Nature?

The one thing this picture makes me realise is that there are really no dividing lines between all life forms. We've rather clumsily put boundaries between humans, animals, vegetables, plants etc, put them in their own box. We categorise and divide up everything and...

Welcome to the Whole World platform

Welcome to the Whole World platform

Please feel free to have a look around the site, explore and engage with the content, a book a course of learning in various meditation styles and techniques. This life has many unanswered questions and the Whole World platform is the exploration of this, in real...

Nature vs/and Nurture

Nature vs/and Nurture

Howlin Wolf. Wow what a photo.The learning experience. What is going on exactly?Will these pups howl like this, no matter what, having been shown by their mum?Well yes, we learn by being shown, they say. But what about if a human baby was shown this from birth by the...


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