Getting Clean

Getting Clean

If I was to say to you ‘I need to get clean’ what would you think I was talking about?Apart from the really obvious, literal sense – sponges, soap etc would you think it was something to do with drugs? Well, that’s certainly how the phrase is used, and yes...
What does it really mean to ‘Let Go’?

What does it really mean to ‘Let Go’?

Knowledge of SelfEnhanced knowledge of selfUnderstanding of selfForgiveness of selfAcceptance of self So that it can be LET GO When we talk about letting go of self it can be difficult to comprehend. It can be understood as a term interchangeable with simply changing...
The Inner Judge & Voice of Self Will – PART 3

The Inner Judge & Voice of Self Will – PART 3

Understanding vs Judgment Without compassionate understanding of ourselves, our behaviours, personality and past there is judgment. Judgment by its very nature gives birth to a need to forcibly change something. Judgment and understanding are opposites and knowing...
The Inner Judge and the voice of Self Will

The Inner Judge and the voice of Self Will

Recently I came across this from some older journalling I had done…. Whenever I am struggling I am in self will and there is punishment.Whenever I am in self will there is punishment and I am struggling.Wherever there is punishment, I am struggling and in self will....
What is Energy and what is Qi Gong?

What is Energy and what is Qi Gong?

I’ll cut right to the chase here, the literal translation of that funny looking word you may not be aware of is ‘cultivating energy’. Such a broad term that, isn’t it? To understand it further, we have to specify what we mean by energy. Qi Gong, pronounced Chee...