David Barnicle

(Photo by Billy Vitch)

David Barnicle is currently a course facilitator in Qigong – The Microcosmic Orbit, a Meditation guide and a practitioner in original content such as the Unifying Energy Centres course.

He has trained with;
Jim Macritchie, acupuncturist of 40 years, author of books in Qigong, class leader and founder of the National Qigong Association in USA.
Phil Shepherd; International embodiment expert, author and founder of The Embodied Present process.
• Further to their influences, David has drawn major inspiration from people such as Tommy Rosen, yoga teacher, author and founder of Recovery 2.0, having co-ordinated events for Tommy’s UK tour back in 2017.

David has combined these influences along with other standout experiences and trainings from across 20 years to bring him to the present day guiding others through re-presented mind-body practices and original work. These include training in Vipassana meditation, Tibetan Buddhism, 12 step recovery programmes and more.

Having gained First Class Honours in English Literature and Journalism in 2012 David began and continued to produce content aimed at the exploration of the human experience and its mysteries in the form of blogs, vlogs, podcasts and online programmes.

Following degree study, a diversion into the world of local community, recovery and addiction manifested in becoming event programmer for a revolutionary social enterprise in Liverpool, UK, (The Brink), an inclusive public space that aimed to de-stigmatise addiction and marry the separation between mainstream understanding and Recovery concerns. A diverse array of events and entertainment gave exposure to many people and philosophies all focused on some aspect of self discovery, recovery, health and creativity that was communicated across Liverpool’s health and wellbeing networks.

A further influence from this time was Nassim Haramein, founder of the Resonance Science Foundation, who delivered his protege and International course facilitator Jamie Janover to Liverpool for an evening of his teachings and groundbreaking material.

Meeting his life partner and co-creator Natasha Wilksberg in 2016 gave birth to personal projects Healthy Souls Events which combined mind-body practice with entertainment, nutritious eating and guest speakers, for a community seeking ‘healthy socialising’.

All along the way, David has written and produced music of his own, in projects ranging from full band to solo singer-songwriter. This is the creative articulation of the very same themes to be found in all other written and visual content and currently exists under the name The Mystery Force.

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