The Journey to here
(Photo by Billy Vitch)
In the beginning, meditation simply served as a means of recovering from complete breakdown. In my twenties my day-to-day state was one of severe anxiety, severe unhappiness, crippling fear, an almost permanent panic attack, and heavy depression. Meditation was a huge factor in regaining happiness and purpose.
I have had an evolving relationship with meditation ever since, spending time with various types of the practice; Buddhist, Vipassana, general mindfulness, visualisation, breathwork, Zen, and more.
Those years of experience in practice has been interwoven with the insights from many other people and traditions and has shown me that what appeared to be a personal struggle is more of a human struggle; the disconnection from being, from nature, from life itself, what we can refer to as the human condition or ‘spiritual malady’. Realising that my own search has been the one I am in the greatest of company with – human beings from across the great expanse of time and place – has come as a great comfort to me. This is the human story, the one of coming back. Re-establishing the connection by bringing darkness into light.
I hope that this combination of my personal experiences and the things I may spark something in others.
At the time of writing, the website is just about to unveiled and with that, I too will unveil new courses, practices and presentations that I hope consolidates 15-20 years of searching, into something helpful.
“No man’s knowledge here can go beyond his experience”
John Locke